Probate! What is it and when do I need to apply for it?

If you are named as an executor on a will, then when that person dies it will be your duty to administer the estate. The first step in administering an estate is usually to apply for probate. What is Probate?A Grant of Probate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, (or a Grant Confirmation in Scotland) gives you the legal right to deal with the estate of someone who has died.To be granted probate you will need to apply to the Probate Office. They will post out the Grant of Probate after they have processed your application. This can take weeks [...]

Post-death checklist – What to do when someone dies

After someone passes away there are a number of  admin  tasks that need to be completed.  This article provides a checklist of what to do when someone dies.  We describe the main steps that you’ll need to take in order to sort out your loved one’s affairs.  We’ve also provided links to other resources available on our website, which deal with topics such as probate and inheritance tax in more detail. Your checklist: 1 - First on the checklist is to get the Death Certificate  This is the legal document that explains how someone died.  If the cause of [...]

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