Settld helps service providers:
Enhance customer experience – No matter how good a particular service provider’s bereavement processes are, from a customer’s perspective it is one of many service providers that needs to be engaged following a bereavement. Customers value a single online notification process across all service providers that is quick and easy to complete. By partnering with Settld, service providers can help to relieve their customer’s administrative burden rather than add to it.
Improve operational efficiency – Reduce bereavement support costs by achieving faster case resolution with fewer contact points. We provide all the necessary information you require at the outset, in a standardised format via our Service Provider Portal. Furthermore, by digitising the process, we eliminate postage costs and the delays associated with the exchange of physical documentation.
Reduce financial and reputational risk – There have been numerous examples of bereavement process failures in the media over the last few years, related to slow response times, administrative errors and delayed payments. Mishandling of bereaved customers can give rise to significant complaint volumes which take time and effort to investigate, resolve and redress. Settld mitigates brand risk, pay-outs and negative press by providing a simple, efficient and effective way to manage and action bereavement notifications.