Why do you need a picture of the original death certificate?

We ask for a picture or scan of the original death certificate because a lot of companies require this for their records. The death must be matched against the General Register Office (GRO) data to prove that the death occurred and to prevent fraud. Some companies may still request that a physical death certificate is sent to them. In that case, we will let you know the postal address to send it to.

July 26, 2021|

Why do I need to upload a copy of the will?

If there is a written will, it is best to upload it (the title page, the page with the executor details and the signature page). We will only ever send the will out to service providers who ask for it as part of the probate process (normally financial institutions). Sometimes service providers will want to check the details of the executors listed in the will, as they are the point of contact for settling outstanding credits and debts against each account. For service providers who do not request or need a will, we do not send it out. [...]

July 26, 2021|

What happens once the notifications are sent?

You will see an update on your Settld Accounts Progress page showing the status of each account request. Until the account is ‘Settld’ according to your demand (closed, frozen, transferred) the account will be in pending status.

July 26, 2021|

Why do you need to verify my identity?

This ensures that you, and the Service Providers we notify, are protected against fraud. Onfido, the identity verification provider that we work with, will verify that your identity documents are authentic and have not been stolen or tampered with. We only ever send these details to Service Providers who actively request them (normally financial institutions). Otherwise, your data remains locked safely in SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001 digital vaults.

July 26, 2021|
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