Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id sodales quam. Duis blandit felis libero, vel scelerisque neque aliquam maximus. Sed bibendum fermentum nisi quis porttitor. Integer imperdiet elit lectus.
Urgent call for companies to improve treatment of bereaved customers
Settld’s free nationwide service eliminates admin stress to improve [...]
Five North East tech firms named Rising Stars after attracting investments
Five early stage technology companies in the North East have been selected as this year’s Tech Nation Rising Stars...
Meet the Rising Stars 4.0 Regional Winners: the North East’s leading early-stage scaleups
One year ago, we launched our inaugural ‘The 12 Days of Scaleups’ campaign to unveil our Rising Stars 3.0 Winners. This December, we’re revisiting the festive theme to announce and celebrate...
Tech Nation rising star award for Settld
Tech Nation rising star award for Settld as it [...]