“You shouldn’t have to say ‘my grandma has died’ that many times”
Settld was born from a personal experience of loss.
The family was still grieving when we had to start the notification process.
Just after the funeral director had left the house, my mum and I rang company after company, reliving my grandma’s loss with each call. In the end it took us over six hours on the phone, and a further 8 weeks of emails and letters to sort out her affairs. It was an upsetting, stressful and time-consuming task.
Settld was founded to change this
We used ‘Tell Us Once’ to notify and manage her government accounts, and found ourselves asking why nothing existed for the banks, utilities, insurers, pension and other service providers. So we set out to create a simple, secure service, to notify all companies of a loved one’s death and keep updated on account progress in a single place.
Fast forward from February 2020 and we’re proud to be making things easier for bereaved people and professionals across the UK.
Vicky Wilson, CEO, Settld