Missing asset search bundle2023-12-05T07:14:16+00:00

Missing Account Search

Uncover the accounts or policies that weren’t written down or kept updated prior to death.

56% of searches discover at least one asset worth over £1,760.
Pay just £195 to secure all assets, and an Estate Distribution Warranty.*


Free support

Ideal if you just need help with notifying companies about a death. Most solicitors charge up to £350 for the same service.

Notify companies in one go.
Request account change (closure, transfer, freeze).
STOP marketing and mail.
Obtain date of death balances and documents from companies.

Missing Account Search and Support

Ideal if you want peace of mind that you’ve located all potential accounts and policies. 56% of searches discover at least one asset worth over £1,760.

Free Account Support (notify companies, request changes and stop marketing).
Missing asset search of over 200 key financial institutions.
Located accounts added to your secure Settld dashboard.
Request access, account closure or transfer across all accounts.
Obtain date of death balances and documents (needed for Probate).
Estate Distribution Warranty, for the value of £10,000 over 10 years.

Settld is a secure service

Data encrypted at transit

Data encrypted at rest

Multi factor authentication

Data stored in ISO27001 certified UK data centres

Common Questions and Answers

How does a Missing Asset search save me time?2023-12-05T06:52:29+00:00

2-5% of shares and 10% of pensions are missed during the time of estate administration. Locating and reporting financial assets to HMRC now, will save you time and stress down the line.

What is the Estate Distribution Warranty and how will this save me money?2023-12-05T06:53:00+00:00

There are increased government pressures to repatriate ‘lost accounts’ and locate lost account holders. This can be occur 5 to 10 years later. If a Financial Asset Search has not been done, the solicitor/executor will need to reopen the case to distribute funds. This could incur further costs to the estate. The Estate Distribution Warranty will cover you for up to £10,000 for 10 years, in the event that additional searches are required. Also, the comprehensive search report that you receive can be used as evidence of due-diligence if ever required by HMRC of beneficiaries in the future.

Which companies do you contact?2023-12-05T06:53:25+00:00

All major Financial Institutions and 350 financial databases. This also includes a thorough search of Equiniti, Computershare and Link for Share Holdings.

How will this maximise the value of the estate?2023-12-05T06:54:01+00:00

As a personal representative or Executor, one of your responsibilities is to maximise the value of the estate. Doing a thorough financial asset search means that you can locate assets that would have been previously missed. For instance, a person could have a pension from a previous employer that is now worth tens of thousands. In maximising an estate, this will increase the estate value and entitlements due to residual beneficiaries including charities.

Does Settld undertake the missing asset search?2023-12-05T06:54:25+00:00

No. We have partnered with Inheritance Data Ltd. who are experts in tracking down lost financial assets. By signing up to Settld’s Missing Account Search and Closure Service you agree for us to pass on relevant details to Inheritance Data Ltd. This will ensure that they are equipped with all necessary details about the Estate to track down assets on your behalf. For more information on how they use your data please visit. https://portal.inheritancedata.co.uk/privacy

What happens if there is no will. Do I still need an Asset Search?2023-12-05T06:54:49+00:00

Yes. If there is no will, there is a higher likelihood that you may be missing assets. People can forget about things such as pensions and shares because they are for the ‘future’. Therefore, nobody knows about these assets unless a thorough Financial Asset Search is done.

What happens if I need to apply for Probate?2023-12-05T06:55:16+00:00

Settld can help with that too. Please see our article on applying for Probate and our product offer here. You can upgrade to our DIY probate service if you choose to continue with Settld. Please email us at support@settld.care for our upgrade options. Ask about our discounted Probate + Missing Asset Search bundle.

What if I need help filling in the form?2024-10-14T11:06:52+00:00

Please call us on 0333 111 1111 or email support@settld.care. One of our support agents will be happy to assist you.

Consistently rated a 5 Star Service

Helpful, patient and supportive
at a difficult time

A much needed service
saving time consuming administration

Thorough and professional
throughout the whole process

Ready to get started?

If you have further questions, please email support@settld.care

alternatively, you can call us on 0344 327 3996 (office hours are 10am-6pm Monday to Friday)

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